The summary details about resource (The Russian Federation) (The Central-African republic) (The republic of Mali)

The given “(The state
international organization)
"Academy of cognitive
natural sciences"” (“(SIO) "ACNS"”)
was created on the 01
st of January 2010 year
by the author, the head,
the executor, the legal-owner
and potential patentee
of the unique cognitive
modeling technology
for the scientific researches
in the technical sciences

“The system analysis, control
and information processing” (05.13.01),
“Management in the social
and economic systems” (05.13.10),
“Psychophysiology of perception” (19.00.02),
“Psychology of work, engineering
psychology and ergonomics” (19.00.03),
for the scientific researches
in the humanitarian and social sciences

“Finance, monetary circulation
and credit” (08.00.10),
for the scientific researches
in the natural sciences

“Theoretical mechanics” (01.02.01),
“Physical chemistry” (02.00.04),
for the scientific researches
in the medical sciences

“Molecular biology” (03.00.03))
and the scientific direction
“Cognitive informatics
(computer science),
the cognitive modeling technology
for the system and financial analysis”
academician of (natural) sciences
(“SIO "ACNS"”) Vetrov A.N.,
at participation
of “The international Higher education
academy of sciences” (“IHEAS”),
“The Russian academy
of (natural) sciences” (“RA(N)S”),
“SIO "Academy of cognitive
natural sciences"” (“SIO "ACNS"”),
The Administration of Saint-Petersburg city
and The Government
of The Russian Federation (RF),
at support of The President of RF,
due to means of “The Nobel prize”,
the payments (gifts)
of (foreign) countries (budget),
legal entities (LE)
and natural persons (NP

The given
information-educational resource
is oriented
for the scientists, teachers,
entrepreneurs and specialists:

1. In the area of information
and communication technologies
are interested in the problematics
of creation and operation
of the adaptive intellectual
using in the its basis
of the automated means of training
of a new generation,
taking into account
the individual features of personality
of the trainee
and the potential technical
parameters of the means of training.

The fundamental and applied bases
of creation, distribution and use
of the cognitive modeling technology
for the system analysis
of the information-educational environments
are offered.

The sphere of scientific interests:
“(Cognitive) informatics”,
“Psychophysiology of perception”,
“(Cognitive) psychology”
and “(Cognitive) linguistics”.

2. In the area of the financial analysis
of the enterprises and (credit) organizations
are interested in the problematics
of creation and operation
of the information systems,
using in the its basis
of the means of automation
of the financial analysis
of a new generation,
taking into account
the individual features
of managing subjects
and employees.

The fundamental and applied bases
of creation, distribution and use
of the cognitive modeling technology
for the financial analysis
of the (credit) organization
are offered.

The sphere of scientific interests:
“The financial analysis”, “Banking”
and “The accounting and audit”.

3. In the area of the complex analysis
of the difficult objects, processes
and phenomena
are interested in the problematics
of creation and operation
of the information systems,
using in the its basis
of the means of automation
of the complex analysis
of a new generation,
taking into account
the individual features
of the difficult objects, processes,
phenomena and employees.

The fundamental and applied bases
of creation, distribution and use
of the cognitive modeling technology
for the complex analysis
of the difficult objects, processes
and phenomena
are offered.

The sphere of scientific interests:
“Theoretical mechanics”,
“Physics”, “Chemistry”,
“Biology” and “Ophthalmology”.

The list of vacancies was submitted.


[not working],
[not working],
[not working].




All rights reserved and approved:
Vetrov Anatoly Nikolaevich 2003-2025 y. ©,
“(The state international organization) "Academy of cognitive natural sciences"” 2004-2025 y. ©,
“The scientific-educational centre "System and financial analysis based on cognitive modeling technology"
named after academician Burdenko N.N.” 2004-2025 y. ©,
“The scientific-research institute "System and financial analysis based on cognitive modeling technology"
of "RA(N)S" named after Veniaminov V.N.” 2004-2025 y. ©,
“The scientific fund "System and financial analysis based on cognitive modeling technology"
named after Prokopenko N.A.” 2004-2025 y. ©,
exhibition centre named after Brezhnev L.I."
at "Exhibition of achievements of science and technology named after Sobchak A.A."” 2004-2025 y. ©,
“The international Higher education academy of sciences” 2004-2025 y. ®,
“The Russian author’s society” 2007-2025 y. ®
and “"The All-Russian institute of scientific and technical information" of "The Russian academy of sciences"” 2008-2025 y. ®

Text Box: Saint-Petersburg city
Text Box: “Academy of cognitive natural sciences”

The scientific-educational
academician of (natural) sciences
(“SIO "ACNS"”)

Vetrov Anatoly Nikolaevich

It was created by the author
of the unique cognitive
modeling technology
and the scientific direction
computer science),
the cognitive modeling
for the system
and the financial analysis”
academician of (natural) sciences
(“SIO "ACNS"”)
Vetrov A.N.
according to the items
1542, 1543, 1544, 1545,
1546, 1547 and 1551
of “The civil codex (CC
) of RF”
go to)

Text Box: The Russian Federation
Text Box: The state international organization

My international actions

“The international action
of the author of the unique cognitive
modeling technology
and the scientific direction
"Cognitive informatics
(computer science),
the cognitive modeling
for the system and financial analysis"
academician of (natural) sciences
("SIO "ACNS"") Vetrov A.N.,
"The international Higher education
academy of sciences" ("IHEAS"),
"The Russian academy
of (natural) sciences" ("RA(N)S"),
"SIO "Academy of cognitive
natural sciences""
("SIO "ACNS""),
"The Administration
of Saint-Petersburg city"
and "The Government of RF"
at support of "The President of RF"
due to means of the budget of RF –
the procedure of the performance
with the scientific reports,
the presentation of diplomas
to the specialists, candidates, doctors
and academicians of sciences in "RA(N)S",
the demonstration of achievements
in the area of science, technology
and education
in "The All-Russian exhibition
centre" ("AREC")
at "The exhibition-fair of achievements
of national economy" ("EANE")
with accommodation
in "The hotel "Cosmos""
("The group of hotels "Intourist"")”
according to
the items 1542, 1543, 1544,
1545, 1546,
1547 and 1551
of “The civil codex
(CC) of RF”
go to).




The modern painting, architecture,
design and art


“The suprematism”
the modern direction in painting,
which allows to form
the difficult geometrical figure
on the plane
by means of a set
of simple geometrical figures


“The black square”
the concentration of unidentified

in the depth of two measurements

“The red square”
the projection of peasant woman

in the depth of two measurements


“The cognitive volumetric suprematism”
(also “The cognitive
the new direction
in the modern painting, architecture,
design and art,
which allows to form
the volumetric difficult
graphical picture
by means of a set
of simple flat and volumetric
geometrical figures
in the Descartes three-dimensional
system of coordinates
(the method of eight points
and eight contours)
(Vetrov A.N.).


“The cognitive black sphere”
the concentration of ideal non-linear
and non-unique unidentified

in the environment of three measurements
(Vetrov A.N.).


“The cognitive red sphere”
the ideal non-linear and non-unique
model of “The Sun”
in the environment of three measurements
(Vetrov A.N.).




It was advertised
the open tender (concourse)
on the order, place and conditions
of carrying out of the specified
international action
(Europe, USA, Great Britain,
Australia and Oceania and others)
(since the 26
th of January 2013 year)

is the product (valuable monument) of architecture, town-planning and landscape-gardening art,
and also
the important object of historical, cultural, art and scientific heritage
for the (non)residents at the international
acts as the essential basis of the federal and international politics and many different programs (actions) in the area
of the state and municipal, economic and scientific-technical, educational (social) and cultural,
national and international, ergonomic and ecological development of RF and foreign countries
according to The constitution of RF and international legislation in the territory of countries of the world.
The application was sent to “The Nobel committee” through The Government of RF for the reception of “The Nobel prize”.

Any creation, distribution and use of the products and scientific results
(the inventions, useful models and industrial samples)
of the author, the head, the executor, the legal-owner and the potential patentee
of the
unique the cognitive modeling technology
(the objects and subjects of research: the information-educational environments,
the (credit) organizations and the objects of theoretical mechanics;
in the technical sciences on spec.
05.13.01 – “The system analysis, control and information processing”,
05.13.10 – “Management in the social and economic systems”;
in the economic sciences on spec.
08.00.10 – “Finance, monetary circulation and credit”,
08.00.12 – “The accounting and statistics”;
in the humanitarian sciences on spec.
10.02.21 – “Applied and mathematical linguistics”;
in the physical-mathematical sciences on spec.
01.02.01 – “Theoretical mechanics”;
in the chemical sciences on spec.
02.00.04 – “Physical chemistry”;
in the biological sciences on spec.
03.00.03 – “Molecular biology”,
03.00.04 – “Bio-chemistry”;
in the medical sciences on spec.
14.01.03 – “Illnesses of ear” (“Otology”),
14.01.07 – “Eye illnesses” (“Ophthalmology”);
in the psychological sciences on spec.
19.00.01 – “The general psychology, psychology of personality and history of psychology”,
19.00.02 – “Psychophysiology of perception”,
19.00.03 – “Psychology of work, engineering psychology and ergonomics”)

and the scientific direction “Cognitive
informatics (computer science),
the cognitive modeling technology for the system and financial analysis”
CMT SFA”), academician of (natural) sciences (“SIO "ACNS"”) Vetrov A.N.
is limited in the territory of RF and the countries of the world.

The conclusion of “The license contract on the right of limited use
of the object of intellectual property”
with “AUT CMT SFA”, academician of (natural) sciences (“SIO "ACNS"”) Vetrov A.N.
and the organization on management of the rights of authors on a collective basis
(“The Russian author’s society”, RF, Moscow city) is obligatory.

“The Russian author’s society” concludes “The license contract
on the right of limited use of the object of intellectual property”
at the presence of “The license of "The Ministry of education and science of RF"”
(or “The Ministry of education of the country of the world”)
and all certificates of quality of the goods, works and services.

The conclusion of “The license agreement (contract)
is possible with the head of organization only.