The summary details about resource (The Russian Federation) (The Central-African republic) (The republic of Mali)

The given “The scientific-educational centre
"System and financial analysis
based on cognitive modeling technology"
of "RA(M)S"
named after academician Burdenko N.N.”
(“SEC "SFA CMT" of "RA(M)S”
n. a. acad. Burdenko N.N.”)
was created on the 01
st of January 2010 year
by the author, the head,
the executor, the legal-owner
and potential patentee
of the unique cognitive
modeling technology
and the scientific direction
“Cognitive informatics
(computer science),
the cognitive modeling technology
for the system and financial analysis”
academician of (natural) sciences
(“SIO "ACNS"”) Vetrov A.N.,
with participation
of “The international Higher education
academy of sciences” (“IHEAS”),
“The Russian academy
of (natural) sciences” (“RA(N)S”),
“SIO "Academy of cognitive
natural sciences"” (“SIO "ACNS"”),
“The Administration of Saint-Petersburg city”
and “The Government of RF”,
at support of “The President of RF”,
due to means of “The Nobel prize”,
the payments (gifts)
of the (foreign) countries (budget),
legal entities (LE)
and natural persons (NP)
for the information,
educational and scientific purposes:

in the medical sciences

14.01.00 – “Clinical medicine”,

14.01.01 – “Obstetrics and gynecology”


14.01.02 – “Endocrinology”

(medicine and biology),

14.01.03 – “The diseases

of an ear, throat and nose”


14.01.04 – “Internal diseases”


14.01.05 – “Cardiology”

(medicine and biology),

14.01.06 – “Psychiatry”


14.01.07 – “Eye diseases”


14.01.08 – “Pediatrics”


14.01.09 – “Infectious diseases”


14.01.10 – “Skin and venereal diseases”


14.01.11 – “Nervous diseases”


14.01.12 – “Oncology”

(medicine and biology),

14.01.13 – “Radiation diagnostics

and radiation therapy”


14.01.14 – “Stomatology”


14.01.15 – “Traumatology and orthopedics”


14.01.16 – “Phthisiology”


14.01.17 – “Surgery”


14.01.18 – “Neuro-surgery”


14.01.19 – “Children's surgery”


14.01.20 – “Anesthesiology and resuscitation”


14.01.21 – “Hematology

and blood transfusion”

(medicine and biology),

14.01.22 – “Rheumatology”


14.01.23 – “Urology”


14.01.24 – “Transplantology

and artificial organs”

(medicine, equipment and biology),

14.01.25 – “Pulmonology”


14.01.26 – “Cardio-vascular surgery”


14.01.27 – “Narcology”

(medicine and biology),

14.01.28 – “Gastro-enterology”


14.01.29 – “Nephrology”


14.01.30 – “Gerontology and geriatrics”

(medicine and biology),

14.02.00 – “Preventive medicine”,

14.02.01 – “Hygiene”

(medicine and biology),

14.02.02 – “Epidemiology”

(medicine and biology),

14.02.03 – “Public health

and public-health-services”


14.02.04 – “The medicine of work”

(medicine and biology),

14.02.05 – “The sociology of medicine”

(medicine and sociology),

14.02.06 – “The medical-social expertise

and medical-social rehabilitation”


14.03.00 – “Medical-biological sciences”,

14.03.01 – “The anatomy of human”

(medicine and biology),

14.03.02 – “Pathological anatomy”

(medicine and biology),

14.03.03 – “Pathological physiology”

(medicine and biology),

14.03.04 – “Toxicology”

(medicine, biology and pharmaceutics),

14.03.05 – “Forensic medicine”


14.03.06 – “Pharmacology

and clinical pharmacology”

(medicine, biology and pharmaceutics),

14.03.07 – “Chemotherapy and antibiotics”

(medicine and biology),

14.03.08 – “Aviation, space

and sea medicine”

(medicine and biology),

14.03.09 – “Clinical immunology

and allergology”

(medicine, biology and veterinary-science),

14.03.10 – “Clinical laboratory


(medicine and biology),

14.03.11 – “Recovery medicine,

sports medicine,

physiotherapy exercises,

balneology and physical therapy”

(medicine, biology and psychology),

in the pharmaceutical sciences

14.04.01 – “Technology of receiving drugs”


14.04.02 – “Pharmaceutical chemistry

and pharmacological-gnosia”

(pharmaceutics, biology and chemistry),

14.04.03 – “The organization

of pharmaceutical business”

(pharmaceutics and economy),

in the chemical sciences

02.00.01 – “Nonorganic chemistry”

(chemistry and equipment),

02.00.02 – “Analytical chemistry”

(chemistry, physics, mathematics, equipment),

02.00.03 – “Organic chemistry”

(chemistry and equipment),

02.00.04 – “Physical chemistry”

(chemistry, physics, mathematics and technics),

02.00.05 – “Electrical-chemistry”

(chemistry, physics, mathematics and technics),

02.00.06 – “High-molecular compounds”

(chemistry, physics, mathematics and technics),

02.00.08 – “The chemistry

of elementary-organic


(chemistry and technics),

02.00.09 – “The chemistry of high energies”

(chemistry, physics, mathematics and technics),

02.00.10 – “Bio-organic chemistry”

(chemistry, biology and technics),

02.00.11 – “Colloidal chemistry”

(chemistry, physics, mathematics and technics),

02.00.12 – “Bio-nonorganic chemistry”


02.00.14 – “Radio-chemistry”

(technics and chemistry),

02.00.15 – “Kinetics and catalysis”

(chemistry, physics, mathematics and technics),

02.00.16 – “Medical chemistry”

(chemistry and technics),

02.00.17 – “Mathematical

and quantum chemistry”

(chemistry, physics and mathematics),

02.00.21 – “The chemistry of solid body”

(chemistry, technics, physics and mathematics),

in the biological sciences

03.01.00 – “Physical-chemical biology”

(physics, chemistry and biology),

03.01.01 – “Radio-biology”

(biology, physics, mathematics,

medicine and veterinary-science),

03.01.02 – “Bio-physics”

(biology, physics, mathematics,

technics and medicine),

03.01.03 – “Molecular biology”

(biology, physics, mathematics and chemistry),

03.01.04 – “Bio-chemistry”

(biology, chemistry and medicine),

03.01.06 – “Bio-technology

(Biological bio-nano-technologies)”

(chemistry, technics, veterinary-science

and agriculture),

03.01.07 – “Molecular genetics”

(biology and chemistry),

03.01.08 – “Bio-engineering”

(biology, chemistry, physics and mathematics),

03.01.09 – “Mathematical biology

and bio-informatics”

(physics, mathematics, biology and medicine),

03.02.00 – “General biology”,

03.02.01 – “Botany”

(biology, geography,
agriculture and pharmaceutics),

03.02.02 – “Virology”

(biology, medicine,
veterinary-science and agriculture),

03.02.03 – “Micro-biology”

(biology, medicine,

agriculture and veterinary-science),

03.02.04 – “Zoology”


03.02.05 – “Entomology”


03.02.06 – “Ichthyology”


03.02.07 – “Genetics”

(biology, medicine,

veterinary-science and agriculture),

03.02.08 – “Ecology (on branches)”

(biology, chemistry, medicine and technics),

03.02.09 – “Bio-geo-chemistry”

(biology and chemistry),

03.02.10 – “Hydro-biology”


03.02.11 – “Parasitology”

(biology, veterinary-science and medicine),

03.02.12 – “Mycology”

(biology, medicine and agriculture),

03.02.13 – “Soil-science”

(biology, chemistry and agriculture),

03.02.14 – “Biological resources”

(biology, medicine and agriculture),

03.03.00 – “Physiology”,

03.03.01 – “Physiology”

(biology, veterinary-science and medicine),

03.03.02 – “Anthropology”

(biology, medicine and history),

03.03.03 – “Immunology”

(biology, medicine and veterinary-science),

03.03.04 – “Cellular biology,

cytology and histology”

(biology, medicine and agriculture),

03.03.05 – “Biology of development

and embryology”

(biology and medicine),

03.03.06 – “Neuro-biology”

(biology and medicine),

in the psychological sciences

19.00.01 – “The general psychology,

the psychology of personality

and the history of psychology”


19.00.02 – “Psychophysiology”

(psychology, biology and medicine),

19.00.03 – “The psychology of work,

engineering psychology and ergonomics”

(psychology and technics),

19.00.04 – “Medical psychology”

(psychology and medicine),

in the physical-mathematical sciences

01.02.01 “Theoretical mechanics”,

in the technical sciences

05.01.00 – “Engineering geometry

and computer graphics”,

05.01.01 – “Engineering geometry

and computer graphics”


05.11.00 – “Instrument-making,

metrology and information-

measuring devices and systems”,

05.11.01 – “The devices and methods

of measurement
(by the kinds of measurements)”

(physics, mathematics and technics),

05.11.10 – “The devices and methods

for the measurement of ionizing radiations

and roentgen devices”

(physics, mathematics and technics),

05.11.13 – “The devices and methods of control

of the environment, substances,

materials and products”


05.11.15 – “Metrology

and metrological support”


05.11.16 – “The information-measuring

and control systems (on branches)”

(physics, mathematics and technics),

05.11.17 – “The devices, systems and products

of medical appointment”

(physics, mathematics and technics),

05.11.18 – “The devices and methods

of transformation of images and sound”


05.12.13 – “The systems, networks

and devices of telecommunications”

(physics, mathematics and technics),

05.13.00 – “Informatics,

computer technics and control”,

05.13.01 – “The system analysis, control

and information processing (on branches)”

(physics, mathematics and technics),

05.13.05 – “The elements and devices

of computer technics

and control systems”


05.13.06 – “The automation and control

of technological processes

and productions (on branches)”


05.13.10 – “Management in the social

and economic systems”


05.13.11 – “The mathematical and program

support of calculating machines,

complexes and computer networks”

(physics, mathematics and technics),

05.13.15 – “The calculating machines,

complexes and computer networks”

(physics, mathematics and technics),

05.13.17 – “The theoretical

basis of informatics”

(technics, physics, mathematics and philology),

05.13.18 – “The mathematical modeling,

numerical methods

and complexes of programs”

(technics, physics, mathematics, chemistry,

geology and mineralogy),

05.17.00 – “Chemical technology”,

05.17.01 – “The technology

of nonorganic substances”

(technics and chemistry),

05.17.04 – “The technology

of organic substances”

(technics and chemistry),

05.17.06 – “The technology and processing

of polymers and composites”

(technics and chemistry),

in the economic sciences

08.00.01 – “The economic theory”


08.00.05 – “The economics and management

of national economy”

(on branches and spheres of activity)”


08.00.10 – “Finance,

monetary circulation and credit”


08.00.12 – “The accounting

and statistics”


08.00.13 – “The mathematical

and tool methods of economics”

(economics, physics and mathematics)

and 08.00.14 – “The World economics"


The given
scientific-educational portal –
the information resource
is oriented
for the scientists, teachers, students
and qualified specialists:

1. In the area of theoretical and practical
medicine and medical technologies
are interested in the problematics
of preventive medicine,
clinical medicine,
pharmacology and pharmaceutics,
and also the medical-biological
branches of modern medicine.


The theoretical and practical
fundamental and applied
scientific bases
of creation, distribution and use
of the main and derivative
theoretical and practical
scientific results
for the medical branch
are offered.

The sphere of scientific interests:
“Hygiene”, “Recreational medicine”,
“Desinfectiology” and “Epidemiology”;
“Dietology”, “Therapy”,
“Surgery”, “Psychiatry”,
“Pediatrics”, “Gerontology”,
“Cardiology”, “Neurology”,
“Endocrinology”, “Ophthalmology”,
“Stomatology” and “Urology”;
“Pharmaco-epidemiology”, “Pharmacy”,
“Bio-chemical pharmacology”,
“Clinical pharmacology”,
“Molecular pharmacology”,
and “Experimental pharmacology”;
and also “Anatomy”,
“Bio-chemistry”, “Bio-mechanics”,
“Biological statistics”, “Bio-physics”,
“Cytology”, “Embryology”, “Genetics”,
“Histology”, “Immunology”,
“Infectiology”, “Combustiology”,
“Medical physics”, “Micro-biology”,
“Molecular biology”,
“Neuro-biology”, “Pathology”,
“Photo-biology”, “Physiology”,
“Radio-biology” and “Toxicology”.

2. In the area of theoretical and practical
chemistry and chemical technologies
are interested in problematics
of organic chemistry,
nonorganic chemistry,
physical chemistry,
analytical chemistry,
colloidal chemistry,
and also the chemical-medical
branches of modern chemistry.

The theoretical and practical
fundamental and applied
scientific bases
of creation, distribution and use
of the main and derivative
theoretical and practical
scientific results
for the chemical-medical branch
are offered

The sphere of scientific interests:
“Analytical chemistry”,
“Bio-organic chemistry”, “Bio-chemistry”,
“Computing chemistry”,
“Quantum chemistry”, “Colloidal chemistry”,
“Computer chemistry”,
“Cosmetic chemistry”,
“Mathematical chemistry”,
“Materials science”,
“Medical chemistry”,
“Metallic-organic chemistry”,
“Nonorganic chemistry”,
“Organic chemistry”,
“Neuro-chemistry”, “General chemistry”,
“Preparative chemistry”, “Radio-chemistry”,
“Supra-molecular chemistry”,
“Pharmaceutics”, “Physical chemistry”,
“The chemistry of high-molecular
“The chemistry of one-carbon molecules”,
“The chemistry of polymers”,
“Theoretical chemistry”, “Thermal-chemistry”,
“Toxicological chemistry”,
“The ecological chemistry
and chemistry of environment”,
“Nuclear chemistry”.

3. In the area of theoretical and practical
biology and biological technologies
are interested in the problematics
of the zoology of animals (human)
and the micro-biology of diverse
micro-organisms and viruses,
and also the biological-medical
branches of modern biology
(bio-chemistry, molecular biology,
cellular biology and cytology,
histology and anatomy, physiology,
ethology, ecology, genetics,
the biology of development, paleo-biology
and evolutionary biology,
bio-medicine, bio-physics,
bio-metrics, space biology,
social biology,
the physiology of work and bionics).


The theoretical and practical
fundamental and applied
scientific bases
of creation, distribution and use
of the main and derivative
theoretical and practical
scientific results
for the biological-medical branch
are offered.

The sphere of scientific interests:
“Acarology”, “Anatomy”, “Algology”,
“Anthropology”, “Arachnology”,
“Bacteriology”, “Bio-geography”,
“Bio-technology”, “Bio-informatics”,
“The biology of development”, “Biometrics”,
“Bionics”, “Bio-semiotics”,
“Bio-physics”, “Bio-chemistry”, “Botany”,
“Bio-mechanics”, “Bio-cytology”,
“Bio-energetics”, “Virology”,
“Genetics”, “Geo-botany”,
“Herpetology”, “Hydro-biology”,
“Histology”, “Dendrology”, “Zoology”,
“Zoo-psychology”, “Immunology”,
“Coleopterology”, “Xeno-biology”,
“Mycology”, “Micro-biology”,
“Molecular biology”, “Morphology”,
“Neuro-biology”, “Paleontology”,
“Parasitology”, “Radio-biology”,
“Systematics”, “System biology”,
“Synthetic biology”, “Taxonomy”,
“Theoretical biology”, “Theriology”,
“Toxicology”, “Phenology”,
“Physiology”, “Physiology of HNA”,
“The physiology of animals and human”,
“Cytology”, “Evolutionary biology”,
“Ecology”, “Embryology”,
“Endocrinology” and “Ethology”.

4. In the area of theoretical and practical
psychology and various
psychological technologies
are interested in the problematics
of cognitive processes,
mental properties
and mental conditions,
and also the psychological-medical
branches of modern psychology
(pedagogical psychology,
the psychology of development,
differential psychology,
social psychology,
clinical psychology,
legal psychology,
psychology of sport and others).


The theoretical and practical
fundamental and applied
scientific bases
of creation, distribution and use
of the main and derivative
theoretical and practical
scientific results
for the psychological-medical branch
are offered.

The sphere of scientific interests:
“Engineering psychology and ergonomics”,
“The psychology of cognitive processes”,
“Mathematical psychology”,
“Psychophysiology (of perception)”,
“Psychology of personality”,
“Psychology of work”,
“The psychology and physiology of creativity”,
“The psychology of post-traumatic stress”,
“The psychology of speech
and psycho-linguistics”,
“The history of psychology
and historical psychology”,
“The psychology of abilities
and intellectual resources”,
and also “Pedagogical psychology”,
“The psychology of development”,
“Differential psychology”,
“Social and economic psychology”,
“Clinical psychology”,
“Jurisprudential psychology”
and “The psychology of sport”.

5. In the area of the theoretical and practical
technics and various
(information) technologies
are interested in the problematics
of creation and practical use
of the different technical means,
in particular the adaptive
intellectual information-
educational environments,
using in its basis
the automated means of training
of a new generation,
taking into account
the individual features
of personality of the trainee
and the potential technical
parameters of the means of training,
and also the technical-medical
branches of modern technics
(bio-technology, informatics,
mechanics, system-engineering,
chemical technology
and medical technology).


The theoretical and practical
fundamental and applied
scientific bases
of creation, distribution and use
of the main and derivative
theoretical and practical
scientific results
for the technical-medical branch,
and also the cognitive modeling technology
for the system analysis
of the information-educational environments
are offered.

The sphere of scientific interests:
“Engineering geometry
and computer graphics”,
“Computer science and computer facilities”,
“The system analysis, control
and information processing”,
“The chemical technologies,
polymeric and composite materials”,
“Documentary and archiving”,
“The safety of work and ergonomics”,
and also “(Cognitive) informatics”,
“Psychophysiology of perception”,
“(Cognitive) psychology”
and “(Cognitive) linguistics”.

6. In the area of theoretical and practical
economics and economic technologies
are interested in the problematics
of creation, distribution and use
of the (medical) goods, works and services
in the third sector
(the social-cultural sphere of services)
and the fourth sector of economics
(the information technologies,
education, scientific researches,
global marketing,
the banking, financial,
medical and other services,
directly connected
with the planning and organization
of the technological process of production
in the problem sphere or area),
in particular the financial analysis
of the enterprises and (credit) organizations
by means of the information systems,
using in its basis
the means of automation
of the financial analysis
of a new generation,
taking into account
the individual features
of the economy subjects
and employees,
and also the economic-medical
branches of modern economics
(the economics of medical
the economics of medical
culture and education,
the economics of public-health-services,
the economics of social support,
the economics of medical construction,
the economics of medical transport
and the organization of transportations,
the economics of medical trade,
the economics of the diverse material-
technical supply of establishments
of public-health-services (logistics)
and economics in the medical sciences).


The theoretical and practical
fundamental and applied
scientific bases
of creation, distribution and use
of the main and derivative
theoretical and practical
scientific results
for the economic-medical branch,
and also the cognitive modeling
technology for the financial analysis
of the (credit) organization and enterprise
are offered.

The sphere of scientific interests:
“The economic theory”,
“The economics and management
of national economy”,
“The economics and organization
of enterprise”,
“The bases of business”, “Financial markets”,
“Administrative decisions”,
“(Financial) management”,
“Insurance business (insurance)”,
“Securities and exchanges”,
“Finance, monetary circulation and credit”,
“The accounting and statistics”,
“The mathematical and tool
methods of
“The World economics”,
and also “The financial analysis”,
and “The accounting and audit”.

7. In the area of the complex analysis
of the difficult medical
objects, processes and phenomena
are interested in the problematics
of creation and operation
of the medical (information) systems,
using in the basis
the means of automation
of the complex analysis
of a new generation,
taking into account
the individual features
of the difficult objects, processes,
phenomena and employees.

The theoretical and practical
fundamental and applied
scientific bases
of creation, distribution and use
of the main and derivative
theoretical and practical
scientific results
for the medical, technical
and (or) economic branch,
and also the cognitive modeling
technology for the complex analysis
of the difficult objects,
processes and phenomena
are offered.

The sphere of scientific interests:
“(Cognitive) informatics”,
“Theoretical mechanics”,
“Physics”, “Chemistry”,
“Biology” and “Ophthalmology”.

The list of vacancies was submitted.


[not working],
[not working],
[not working].




All rights reserved and approved:
Vetrov Anatoly Nikolaevich 2003-2025 y. ©,
“(The state international organization) "Academy of cognitive natural sciences"” 2004-2025 y. ©,
“The scientific-educational centre "System and financial analysis based on cognitive modeling technology"
named after academician Burdenko N.N.” 2004-2025 y. ©,
“The scientific-research institute "System and financial analysis based on cognitive modeling technology"
of "RA(N)S" named after Veniaminov V.N.” 2004-2025 y. ©,
“The scientific fund "System and financial analysis based on cognitive modeling technology"
named after Prokopenko N.A.” 2004-2025 y. ©,
exhibition centre named after Brezhnev L.I."
at "Exhibition of achievements of science and technology named after Sobchak A.A."” 2004-2025 y. ©,
“The international Higher education academy of sciences” 2004-2025 y. ®,
“The Russian author’s society” 2007-2025 y. ®
and “"The All-Russian institute of scientific and technical information" of "The Russian academy of sciences"” 2008-2025 y. ®

Any creation, distribution and use of the products and scientific results
(the inventions, useful models and industrial samples)
of the author, the head, the executor, the legal-owner and the potential patentee
of the
unique the cognitive modeling technology
(the objects and subjects of research: the information-educational environments,
the (credit) organizations and the objects of theoretical mechanics;
in the technical sciences on spec.
05.13.01 – “The system analysis, control and information processing”,
05.13.10 – “Management in the social and economic systems”;
in the economic sciences on spec.
08.00.10 – “Finance, monetary circulation and credit”,
08.00.12 – “The accounting and statistics”;
in the humanitarian sciences on spec.
10.02.21 – “Applied and mathematical linguistics”;
in the physical-mathematical sciences on spec.
01.02.01 – “Theoretical mechanics”;
in the chemical sciences on spec.
02.00.04 – “Physical chemistry”;
in the biological sciences on spec.
03.00.03 – “Molecular biology”,
03.00.04 – “Bio-chemistry”;
in the medical sciences on spec.
14.01.03 – “Illnesses of ear” (“Otology”),
14.01.07 – “Eye illnesses” (“Ophthalmology”);
in the psychological sciences on spec.
19.00.01 – “The general psychology, psychology of personality and history of psychology”,
19.00.02 – “Psychophysiology of perception”,
19.00.03 – “Psychology of work, engineering psychology and ergonomics”)

and the scientific direction “Cognitive
informatics (computer science),
the cognitive modeling technology for the system and financial analysis”
CMT SFA”), academician of (natural) sciences (“SIO "ACNS"”) Vetrov A.N.
is limited in the territory of RF and the countries of the world.

The conclusion of “The license contract on the right of limited use
of the object of intellectual property”
with “AUT CMT SFA”, academician of (natural) sciences (“SIO "ACNS"”) Vetrov A.N.
and the organization on management of the rights of authors on a collective basis
(“The Russian author’s society”, RF, Moscow city) is obligatory.

“The Russian author’s society” concludes “The license contract
on the right of limited use of the object of intellectual property”
at the presence of “The license of "The Ministry of education and science of RF"”
(or “The Ministry of education of the country of the world”)
and all certificates of quality of the goods, works and services.

The conclusion of “The license agreement (contract)
is possible with the head of organization only.

Text Box: “The Russian academy of (medical) sciences” named after academician Burdenko N.N.
Text Box: “System and financial analysis 
based on cognitive modeling technology”

The scientific-educational
of “AUT
academician of (natural) sciences
(“SIO "ACNS"”)

Vetrov Anatoly Nikolaevich

It was created by the author
of the unique cognitive
modeling technology
and the scientific direction
(computer science),
the cognitive modeling
for the system
and financial analysis”
academician of (natural) sciences
(“SIO "ACNS"”)
Vetrov A.N.
it agrees an items
1542, 1543, 1544,
1545, 1546, 1547 and 1551
of “The civil codex (CC
) of RF”
go to)

Text Box: SIO “Academy of cognitive natural sciences”
Text Box: The scientific-educational centre

My international actions

“The international action
of the author of the unique cognitive
modeling technology
and the scientific direction
"Cognitive informatics
(computer science),
the cognitive modeling
for the system and financial analysis"
academician of (natural) sciences
("SIO "ACNS"") Vetrov A.N.,
"The international Higher education
academy of sciences" ("IHEAS"),
"The Russian academy
of (natural) sciences" ("RA(N)S"),
"SIO "Academy of cognitive
natural sciences""
("SIO "ACNS""),
"The Administration
of Saint-Petersburg city"
and "The Government of RF"
at support of "The President of RF"
due to means of the budget of RF –
the procedure of the performance
with the scientific reports,
the presentation of diplomas
to the specialists, candidates, doctors
and academicians of sciences
in "RA(N)S",
the demonstration of achievements
in the area of science,
technology and education
in "The All-Russian exhibition
centre" ("AREC")
at "The exhibition-fair of achievements
of national economy" ("EANE")
with accommodation
in "The hotel "Cosmos""
("The group of hotels "Intourist"")”
according to
the items 1542, 1543, 1544,
1545, 1546,
1547 and 1551
of “The civil codex
(CC) of RF”
go to).




The modern medicine,
pharmaceutics, chemistry, biology,
psychology, technics, technology
and economics


(lat. medicina from a phrase
ars medicina – “medical art”,
“the art of healing”,
has the same root,
that and the verb medeor, “cure”) –
the system of scientific knowledge
and practical measures,
united with
the purpose of diagnostics,
treatment and prevention of diseases,
the preservation and promotion of health
and the working-ability of people,
the extension of life,
and also the relief of sufferings
from the physical and mental illnesses.
(The free encyclopedia “Wikipedia”).


“Pharmaceutics” –
the part of pharmacy,
connected directly
with the production-technological
problems of the process of production
the medicine means and substances.

Pharmacy (greek φάρμακον
and engl. pharmacy – the medicine means
and the use of medicine means (drugs)) –
the complex of scientific-
practical disciplines,
studying the problems
of creation, safety, research,
storage, production, sale
and marketing of medicine means,
and also the search of natural sources
of medicinal substances.
(The free encyclopedia “Wikipedia”).



(from arab.کيمياء‎ ,
origin, presumably
from the Egyptian word km.t (black),
from where there was also
the name of Egypt,
the chernozem and lead – “black earth”;
the other possible variants:
χυμος – “juice”, “essence”,
“moisture”, “taste”,
χυμα – “alloy (of metals)”,
“casting”, “stream”,
χυμευσις – “mixing”) –
one from the major and extensive
areas of natural-science,
the science about substances,
their compound and structure,
their properties,
from the compound and structure,
their transformations,
leading to the changing of compound –
the chemical reactions,
and also about the laws and regularities,
to which these transformations submit.
(The free encyclopedia “Wikipedia”).


from greek βίος – life
λόγος – doctrine, science) –
the system of sciences,
which objects of studying
are the living beings
and their interaction
with the environment.
(The free encyclopedia “Wikipedia”).


(from greek
ψυχή – “soul”;
λόγος – “doctrine”) –
the science,
studying regularities
of emergence, the development
and functioning of mentality
and mental activity of person
and groups of people.
(The free encyclopedia “Wikipedia”).


(from greek
τεχνικός, from greek τέχνη –
art, skill, ability) –
the generalizing name
of technical means (devices).
(The free encyclopedia “Wikipedia”).


(from greek
τέχνη –
the art,
skill, ability;
λόγος – “word”, “thought”,
“sense”, “concept”) –
a set of methods and tools
for the achievement of desirable result;
in a broad sense –
the use of scientific knowledge
for the solution of practical tasks.


(from greek
οἶκος –
the house, economy,
νόμος – nomos,
the territory of management
of managing and rule, law,
literally “the rules of maintaining
of the economy of house”) –
the economy activity of society,
and also a set of the relations,
developing in the system
of production, distribution,
exchange and consumption.

“SEC "SFA CMT" of "RA(M)S" n. a. acad. Burdenko N.N.”
is the product (valuable monument) of architecture, town-planning and landscape-gardening art,
and also
the important object of historical, cultural, art and scientific heritage
for the (non)residents at the international
acts as the essential basis of the federal and international politics and many different programs (actions) in the area
of the state and municipal, economic and scientific-technical, educational (social) and cultural,
national and international, ergonomic and ecological development of RF and foreign countries
according to The constitution of RF and international legislation in the territory of countries of the world.
The application was sent to “The Nobel committee” through The Government of RF for the reception of “The Nobel prize”.