“The international action
of "The Saint-Petersburg state university" ("SPbSU")
on the rights of "The Federal scientific centre of RF"
and "The National research university of RF",
the author of the unique cognitive modeling technology
and the scientific direction "Cognitive informatics (computer science),
the cognitive modeling technology
for the system and financial analysis"
("AUT CMT SFA") Vetrov A.N.
due to means of the budget and interested
natural persons and legal entities –
the procedure of defence of the dissertation
(in the form of manuscript) on the rights of manuscript
"The cognitive modeling technology
for the system analysis of the information-educational environments"
on the competition of scientific degree of the doctor of technical sciences
in spec. 05.13.01 – "The system analysis, control and information processing"
of "AUT CMT SFA" Vetrov A.N.
with participation of the national and foreign
members of "The dissertation council" of "SPbSU"
for (non)residents at the international level
with translation through the global network "Internet"
and accommodation in "The hotel "Moscow"" ("The group of hotels "Intourist"")”


the faculty “Applied mathematicscontrol processes” (“AMCP”)

the chair “Information systems” (“IS”)

The list of documents of doctoral dissertation of “AUT CMT SFA Vetrov A.N.
for the international action
in “The Saint-Petersburg state university” (RF, Saint-Petersburg city)
(page 2 from 2 pages)


Previous (go to page 1)


II. The additional accompanying documents (“*” – the document is submitted for the first time)

11. The reports on the individual initiative SRW (“SPbSETU "LETI"” and “IBI”).

11.1. The report on the individual initiative SRW on the rights of manuscript
on the theme “The research of the environment of automated training with the properties of adaptation
based on the cognitive models” for the 2003-2005 y.,
carried out in the process of writing of the dissertations of Vetrov A.N.
(physical-mathematical, technical, humanitarian, social and medical sciences) –
451 sh., 451 p. (in the format “PDF”) (in the national Russian language),
the name of file
with_the_prop_of_adapt_based_on_the_cogn_models_RUS.pdf” (
download) [RUS]
[copy of the specified document was submitted on the 26.12.2017 y. and 01.04.2019 y.],
[the el. copy of the specified document was submitted to “DSADC” of “SPbSU” on the 01
st of April 2019 y.].

11.2. The appendix to the report on the individual initiative SRW on the rights of manuscript
on the theme “The research of the environment of automated training with the properties of adaptation
based on the cognitive models” for the 2003-2005 y.,
carried out in the process of writing of the dissertations of Vetrov A.N.
(physical-mathematical, technical, humanitarian, social and medical sciences) –
654 sh., 654 p. (in the format “PDF”) (in the national Russian language),
the name of file
with_the_prop_of_adapt_based_on_the_cogn_models_Appendix_RUS.pdf” (
download) [RUS]
[copy of the specified document was submitted on the 26.12.2017 y. and 01.04.2019 y.],
[the el. copy of the specified document was submitted to “DSADC” of “SPbSU” on the 01
st of April 2019 y.].

11.3. The report on the individual initiative SRW on the rights of manuscript
on the theme “The research of the information environment of automated training
with the properties of adaptation based on the cognitive models
and the financial analysis of the organization by means of the cognitive modeling technology” for the 2006-2008 y.,
carried out in the process of writing of the dissertations of Vetrov A.N.
(phys.-math., technical, economic, humanitarian, social and medical sciences) –
716 sh., 716 p. (in the format “PDF”) (in the national Russian language),
the name of file
with_the_prop_of_adapt_based_on_CM_and_the_fin_anal_RUS.pdf” (
download) [RUS]
[copy of the specified document was submitted on the 26.12.2017 y. and 01.04.2019 y.],
[the el. copy of the specified document was submitted to “DSADC” of “SPbSU” on the 01
st of April 2019 y.].

12. The individual training plan of work of the postgraduate-student and the individual plans of the teacher.

12.1. Copy of the approved individual training plan of work of the postgraduate-student (Vetrov A.N.) from the 01st of May 2003 y.,
certified by the deputy of the head of “The personnel department” of “SPbSETU "LETI"” Sarayev N.A. on the 03
rd of July 2007 y.,
certified by the head of “The personnel department” of “SPbSETU "LETI"” Shubinsky V.N. on the 19
th of February 2010 y. –
23 sh., 23 p. (in the format “PDF”) (in the national Russian language)
[see the pages 1, 2, 3, 12, 15, 16 – the positive result of attestation at the seminar-discussion
of the dissertation work in the form of manuscript vol. 1, 176 p. and vol. 2, 220 p. on the 19
th of June 2006 y.];
[see the dissertation (in the form of manuscript) on the rights of manuscript
in the national Russian language (The Russian Federation)
on the theme “The cognitive modeling technology
for the system analysis of the information-educational environments”
(the initial theme “The environment of automated training with the properties
of adaptation based on the cognitive models” – the research and processing of data)
on the competition of scientific degree of the doctor of technical sciences in the specialty
05.13.01 – “The system analysis, control and information processing” –
2 volumes, 399 sh., 399 p.: vol. 1, 176 sh., 176 p., 2006 y., vol. 2, 223 sh., 223 p., 2006 y.],

the name of file
from_the_01st_of_May_2003_y_Sarayev_NA_03_07_2007_Shubinsky_VN_05_11_2008_RUS.pdf” (
download) [RUS]
[copy of the specified document was submitted on the 26.12.2017 y. and 01.04.2019 y.],
[the el. copy of the specified document was submitted to “DSADC” of “SPbSU” on the 01
st of April 2019 y.].

12.2.1. Copy of the approved individual plan of the teacher (Vetrov A.N.) for the 2004-2005 ac. y.,
certified by the head of “The personnel department” of “SPbSETU "LETI"” Shubinsky V.N. on the 12
th of September 2008 y. –
09 sh., 09 p. (in the format “PDF”) (in the national Russian language)
[see the page 5 – “The preparation of the monography "The environment of automated training
with the properties of adaptation based on the cognitive models"”, “April 2004 y.”, “completed”];
[see the dissertation (in the form of scientific monography) on the rights of manuscript
in the national Russian language (The Russian Federation)
on the theme “The environment of automated training with the properties
of adaptation based on the cognitive models”
on the competition of scientific degree of the candidate of technical sciences in the specialty
05.13.01 – “The system analysis, control and information processing” – 1 vol., 256 p., 2005 y.],

the name of file
Vetrov_AN_Copy_of_the_individual_plan_of_the_teacher_for_2004_2005_y_Shubinsky_VN_12_09_2008_RUS.pdf” (download) [RUS]
[copy of the specified document was submitted on the 26.12.2017 y. and 01.04.2019 y.],
[the el. copy of the specified document was submitted to “DSADC” of “SPbSU” on the 01
st of April 2019 y.].

12.2.2. Copy of the approved individual plan of the teacher (Vetrov A.N.) for the 2005-2006 ac. y.,
certified by the head of “The personnel department” of “SPbSETU "LETI"” Shubinsky V.N. on the 12
th of May 2008 y. –
09 sh., 09 p. (in the format “PDF”) (in the national Russian language)
[see the page 5 – “The work under the monography "The environment of automated training with the properties
of adaptation based on the cognitive models"”, “December 2005 y.”, “completed”],

the name of file
Vetrov_AN_Copy_of_the_individual_plan_of_the_teacher_for_2005_2006_y_Shubinsky_VN_12_05_2008_RUS.pdf” (download) [RUS]
[copy of the specified document was submitted on the 26.12.2017 y. and 01.04.2019 y.],
[the el. copy of the specified document was submitted to “DSADC” of “SPbSU” on the 01
st of April 2019 y.].

12.2.3. Copy of the approved individual plan of the teacher (Vetrov A.N.) for the 2006-2007 ac. y.
[there was completed the deposition in “RAS” (RF, Moscow city)
and publication in the network “Internet” due to means of Vetrov A.N.],

certified by the head of “The personnel department” of “SPbSETU "LETI"” Shubinsky V.N. on the 12
th of September 2008 y. –
09 sh., 09 p. (in the format “PDF”) (in the national Russian language)
[see the page 5 – “The preparation of the monography "The environment of automated training
with the properties of adaptation based on the cognitive models"
to the deposition or publication”, “September 2006 y.”, “completed”],

[as the management of “SPbSETU "LETI"” was not sent the specified scientific monography
to the paid (by Vetrov A.N.) deposition in “"VINITI" of "RAS"” on the 14
th of December 2007 y.,
therefore the specified scientific monography was dep. in “RAS” (RF, Moscow city)
due to means of Vetrov A.N.],

the name of file
Vetrov_AN_Copy_of_the_individual_plan_of_the_teacher_for_2006_2007_y_Shubinsky_VN_12_09_2008_RUS.pdf” (download) [RUS]
[copy of the specified document was submitted on the 26.12.2017 y. and 01.04.2019 y.],
[the el. copy of the specified document was submitted to “DSADC” of “SPbSU” on the 01
st of April 2019 y.].

12.2.4. Copy of the approved individual plan of the teacher (Vetrov A.N.) for the 2007-2008 ac. y.,
certified by the head of “The personnel department” of “SPbSETU "LETI"” Shubinsky V.N. on the 16
th of April 2009 y. –
09 sh., 09 p. (in the format “PDF”) (in the national Russian language)
[see the page 7 – “The author's certificate about the deposition and registration
of the object of intellectual property – the manuscript of the dissertation
"The environment of automated training with the properties of adaptation
based on the cognitive models" in spec. 05.13.01 and 19.00.03,
24.94 pr. sh., Saint-Petersburg city, 2006 y., Moscow city: "The Russian author's society", 2007 y.”],
[as the management of “SPbSETU "LETI"” did not send the specified manuscript of dissertation
to the paid (by Vetrov A.N.) dep. in “"VINITI" of "RAS"” on the 14
th of December 2007 y.,
so the specified manuscript of dissertation was dep. in “RAS” (RF, Moscow city)
due to means of Vetrov A.N.],

the name of file
Vetrov_AN_Copy_of_the_individual_plan_of_the_teacher_for_2007_2008_y_Sarayev_NA_16_04_2009_RUS.pdf” (download) [RUS]
[copy of the specified document was submitted on the 26.12.2017 y. and 01.04.2019 y.],
[the el. copy of the specified document was submitted to “DSADC” of “SPbSU” on the 01
st of April 2019 y.].

12.2.5. Copy of the approved individual plan of the teacher (Vetrov A.N.) for the 2008-2009 ac. y.,
certified by the head of “The personnel department” of “SPbSETU "LETI"” Shubinsky V.N. on the 23
rd of October 2009 y.,
certified by the head of “The personnel department” of “SPbSETU "LETI"” Shubinsky V.N. on the 30
th of September 2009 y. –
09 sh., 09 p. (in the format “PDF”) (in the national Russian language),
the name of file
Vetrov_AN_Copy_of_the_individual_plan_of_the_teacher_for_2008_2009_y_Shubinsky_VN_23_10_2009_RUS.pdf” (download) [RUS],
the name of file
Vetrov_AN_Copy_of_the_individual_plan_of_the_teacher_for_2008_2009_y_Shubinsky_VN_30_09_2009_RUS.pdf” (download) [RUS]
[copy of the specified document was submitted on the 26.12.2017 y. and 01.04.2019 y.],
[the el. copy of the specified document was submitted to “DSADC” of “SPbSU” on the 01
st of April 2019 y.].

12.2.6. Copy of the approved individual plan of the teacher (Vetrov A.N.) for the 2009-2010 ac. y.,
certified by the head of “The personnel department” of “SPbSETU "LETI"” Shubinsky V.N. on the 26
th of January 2010 y. –
09 sh., 09 p. (in the format “PDF”) (in the national Russian language),
the name of file
Vetrov_AN_Copy_of_the_individual_plan_of_the_teacher_for_2009_2010_y_Shubinsky_VN_26_01_2010_RUS.pdf” (download) [RUS]
[copy of the specified document was submitted on the 26.12.2017 y. and 01.04.2019 y.],
[the el. copy of the specified document was submitted to “DSADC” of “SPbSU” on the 01
st of April 2019 y.].

13. The letters of thanks on the dissertation (in the form of scientific monography) on the rights of manuscript
on the competition of scientific degree of the candidate of technical sciences in the specialty
05.13.01 – “The system analysis, control and information processing” (1 vol., 256 p., 2005 y.),
on the dissertation (in the form of manuscript) on the rights of manuscript
on the competition of scientific degree of the doctor of technical sciences in the specialty
05.13.01 – “The system analysis, control and information processing”
(vol. 1, 176 p., 2006 y., vol. 2, 220 p., 2006 y., vol. 3, 437 p., 2008 y., 2010 y.),
the awards and scientific ranks of “The Russian academy of natural science” (“RANS”) of Vetrov A.N.

13.1.1. Copy of the letter of thanks of “RANS” (RF, Moscow city)
for the participation of the scientific monography on the rights of manuscript
[on the competition of scientific degree of the candidate of technical sciences]
on the theme “The environment of automated training with the properties
of adaptation based on the cognitive models”
in “The 38
th international Paris book salon of 2018 y.” (“Salon du livre de Paris 2018”)
(The republic of France, Paris city, on the 16
th-19th of March 2018 y.),
signed by the chief scientific secretary of “RANS”, c.m.s., prof. Stukova N.Yu. –
01 sh., 01 p. (in the format “PDF”) (in the national Russian language),
the name of file
the_sci_mon_The_env_of_aut_tr_with_the_prop_of_ad_bas_on_the_c_m_RUS.pdf” (
download) [RUS]
[the el. copy of the specified document was submitted to “SPbSU” on the 01st of April 2019 y.],
[the el. copy of the specified document was submitted to “DSADC” of “SPbSU” on the 01
st of April 2019 y.].

13.1.2. Copy of the letter of thanks of “RANS” (RF, Moscow city)
for the participation of the scientific monography on the rights of manuscript
[on the competition of scientific degree of the candidate of technical sciences]
on the theme “The environment of automated training with the properties
of adaptation based on the cognitive models”
in “The Moscow international salon of education of 2018 y.” (“MISE 2018”)
(The Russian Federation, Moscow city, “EANE”, on the 18
th-21st of April 2018 y.),
signed by the chief scientific secretary of “RANS”, c.m.s., prof. Stukova N.Yu. –
01 sh., 01 p. (in the format “PDF”) (in the national Russian language),
the name of file
the_sci_mon_The_env_of_aut_tr_with_the_prop_of_ad_bas_on_the_c_m_RUS.pdf” (
download) [RUS]
[the el. copy of the specified document was submitted to “SPbSU” on the 01st of April 2019 y.],
[the el. copy of the specified document was submitted to “DSADC” of “SPbSU” on the 01
st of April 2019 y.].

13.1.3. Copy of the letter of thanks of “RANS” (RF, Moscow city)
for the participation of the scientific monography on the rights of manuscript
[on the competition of scientific degree of the candidate of technical sciences]
on the theme “The environment of automated training with the properties
of adaptation based on the cognitive models”
in “The 31
st Moscow international book exhibition-fair of 2018 y.” (“MIBEF 2018”)
(The Russian Federation, Moscow city, “EANE”, on the 05
th-09th of September 2018 y.),
signed by the chief scientific secretary of “RANS”, c.m.s.., prof. Stukova N.Yu. –
01 sh., 01 p. (in the format “PDF”) (in the national Russian language),
the name of file
the_sci_mon_The_env_of_aut_tr_with_the_prop_of_ad_bas_on_the_c_m_RUS.pdf” (
download) [RUS]
[the el. copy of the specified document was submitted to “SPbSU” on the 01st of April 2019 y.],
[the el. copy of the specified document was submitted to “DSADC” of “SPbSU” on the 01
st of April 2019 y.].

13.1.4. Copy of the letter of thanks of “RANS” (RF, Moscow city)
for the participation of the scientific monography on the rights of manuscript
[on the competition of scientific degree of the candidate of technical sciences]
on the theme “The environment of automated training with the properties
of adaptation based on the cognitive models”
in “The 36
th international book exhibition Liber Barcelona of 2018 y.” (“Liber Barcelona 2018”)
(The Kingdom of Spain, Barcelona city, on the 03
rd-05th of October 2018 y.),
signed by the chief scientific secretary of “RANS”, c.m.s., prof. Stukova N.Yu. –
01 sh., 01 p. (in the format “PDF”) (in the national Russian language),
the name of file
the_sci_mon_The_env_of_aut_tr_with_the_prop_of_ad_bas_on_the_c_m_RUS.pdf” (
download) [RUS]
[the el. copy of the specified document was submitted to “SPbSU” on the 01st of April 2019 y.],
[the el. copy of the specified document was submitted to “DSADC” of “SPbSU” on the 01
st of April 2019 y.].

13.1.5. Copy of the letter of thanks of “RANS” (RF, Moscow city)
for the participation of the scientific monography on the rights of manuscript
[on the competition of scientific degree of the candidate of technical sciences]
on the theme “The environment of automated training with the properties
of adaptation based on the cognitive models”
in “The 72
nd international book exhibition Book Expo America of 2019 y.” (“Book Expo America 2019”)
(The United states of America, New York city, on the 29
th-31st of May 2019 y.),
signed by the chief scientific secretary of “RANS”, c.m.s., prof. Stukova N.Yu. –
01 sh., 01 p. (in the format “PDF”) (in the national Russian language),
the name of file
the_sci_mon_The_env_of_aut_tr_with_the_prop_of_ad_bas_on_the_c_m_RUS.pdf” (
download) [RUS]
[the el. copy of the specified document was submitted to “SPbSU” on the 31st of October 2023 y.],
[the el. copy of the specified document was submitted to “DSADC” of “SPbSU” on the 31
st of October 2023 y.].

13.1.6. Copy of the letter of thanks of “RANS” (RF, Moscow city)
for the participation of the scientific monography on the rights of manuscript
[on the competition of scientific degree of the candidate of technical sciences]
on the theme “The environment of automated training with the properties
of adaptation based on the cognitive models”
in “The 30
th international book exhibition Hong Kong Book Fair of 2019 y.” (“Hong Kong Book Fair 2019”)
(The people’s republic of China, Hong Kong city, on the 17
th-23rd of July 2019 y.),
signed by the chief scientific secretary of “RANS”, c.m.s., prof. Stukova N.Yu. –
01 sh., 01 p. (in the format “PDF”) (in the national Russian language),
the name of file
the_sci_mon_The_env_of_aut_tr_with_the_prop_of_ad_bas_on_the_c_m_RUS.pdf” (
download) [RUS]
[the el. copy of the specified document was submitted to “SPbSU” on the 31st of October 2023 y.],
[the el. copy of the specified document was submitted to “DSADC” of “SPbSU” on the 31
st of October 2023 y.].

13.1.7. Copy of the letter of thanks of “RANS” (RF, Moscow city)
for the participation of the scientific monography on the rights of manuscript
[on the competition of scientific degree of the candidate of technical sciences]
on the theme “The environment of automated training with the properties
of adaptation based on the cognitive models”
in “The international book exhibition Buch Wien of 2019 y.” (“Buch Wien 2019”)
(The republic of Austria, Vienna city, on the 06
th-10th of November 2019 y.),
signed by the chief scientific secretary of “RANS”, c.m.s., prof. Stukova N.Yu. –
01 sh., 01 p. (in the format “PDF”) (in the national Russian language),
the name of file
the_sci_mon_The_env_of_aut_tr_with_the_prop_of_ad_bas_on_the_c_m_RUS.pdf” (
download) [RUS]
[the el. copy of the specified document was submitted to “SPbSU” on the 31st of October 2023 y.],
[the el. copy of the specified document was submitted to “DSADC” of “SPbSU” on the 31
st of October 2023 y.].

13.2.1. Copy of the letter of thanks of “RANS” (RF, Moscow city)
for the participation of the attestation work (dissertation) on the rights of manuscript
[on the competition of scientific degree of the doctor of technical sciences]
on the theme “The environment of automated training with the properties
of adaptation based on the cognitive models”
[the new name “The cognitive modeling technology
for the system analysis of the information-educational environments”]

in “The 72
nd international book exhibition Book Expo America 2019 y.” (“Book Expo America 2019”)
(The United states of America, New York city, on the 29
th-31st of May 2019 y.),
signed by the chief scientific secretary of “RANS”, c.m.s., prof. Stukova N.Yu. –
01 sh., 01 p. (in the format “PDF”) (in the national Russian language),
the name of file
the_sci_mon_The_env_of_aut_tr_with_the_prop_of_ad_bas_on_the_c_m_RUS.pdf” (
download) [RUS]
[the el. copy of the specified document was submitted to “SPbSU” on the 31st of October 2023 y.],
[the el. copy of the specified document was submitted to “DSADC” of “SPbSU” on the 31
st of October 2023 y.].

13.2.2. Copy of the letter of thanks of “RANS” (RF, Moscow city)
for the participation of the attestation work (dissertation) on the rights of manuscript
[on the competition of scientific degree of the doctor of technical sciences]
on the theme “The environment of automated training with the properties
of adaptation based on the cognitive models”
[the new name “The cognitive modeling technology
for the system analysis of the information-educational environments”]

in “The 30
th international book exhibition Hong Kong Book Fair 2019 y.” (“Hong Kong Book Fair 2019”)
(People's republic of China, Hong Kong city, on the 17
th-23rd of July 2019 y.),
signed by the chief scientific secretary of “RANS”, c.m.s., prof. Stukova N.Yu. –
01 sh., 01 p. (in the format “PDF”) (in the national Russian language),
the name of file
the_sci_mon_The_env_of_aut_tr_with_the_prop_of_ad_bas_on_the_c_m_RUS.pdf” (
download) [RUS]
[the el. copy of the specified document was submitted to “SPbSU” on the 31st of October 2023 y.],
[the el. copy of the specified document was submitted to “DSADC” of “SPbSU” on the 31
st of October 2023 y.].

13.2.3. Copy of the letter of thanks of “RANS” (RF, Moscow city)
for the participation of the attestation work (dissertation) on the rights of manuscript
[on the competition of scientific degree of the doctor of technical sciences]
on the theme “The environment of automated training with the properties
of adaptation based on the cognitive models”
[the new name “The cognitive modeling technology
for the system analysis of the information-educational environments”]

in “The international book exhibition Buch Wien 2019 y.” (“Buch Wien 2019”)
(The republic of Austria, Vienna city, on the 06
th-10th of November 2019 y.),
signed by the chief scientific secretary of “RANS”, c.m.s., prof. Stukova N.Yu. –
01 sh., 01 p. (in the format “PDF”) (in the national Russian language),
the name of file
the_sci_mon_The_env_of_aut_tr_with_the_prop_of_ad_bas_on_the_c_m_RUS.pdf” (
download) [RUS]
[the el. copy of the specified document was submitted to “SPbSU” on the 31st of October 2023 y.],
[the el. copy of the specified document was submitted to “DSADC” of “SPbSU” on the 31
st of October 2023 y.].

13.2.4. Copy of the letter of thanks of “RANS” (RF, Moscow city)
for the participation of the dissertation on the rights of manuscript
[on the competition of scientific degree of the doctor of technical sciences]
on the theme “The environment of automated training with the properties
of adaptation based on the cognitive models”
[the new name “The cognitive modeling technology
for the system analysis of the information-educational environments”]

in “The XLV
th anniversary international exhibition-presentation
of learning-methodical and literary-art editions of "RANS"” (“AIEPLM and LAE 2020”)
(The Russian Federation, Moscow city, “RANS”, on the 27
th of May 2020 y.),
signed by the chief scientific secretary of “RANS”, c.m.s., prof. Stukova N.Yu. –
01 sh., 01 p. (in the format “PDF”) (in the national Russian language),
the name of file
of_the_tr_method_and_lit_art_ed_the_27th_of_May_2020_y_RUS.pdf” (
download) [RUS]
[the el. copy of the specified document was submitted to “SPbSU” on the 31st of October 2023 y.],
[the el. copy of the specified document was submitted to “DSADC” of “SPbSU” on the 31
st of October 2023 y.].

13.2.5. Copy of the letter of thanks of “RANS” (RF, Moscow city)
for the participation of the dissertation on the rights of manuscript
[on the competition of scientific degree of the doctor of technical sciences]
on the theme “The environment of automated training with the properties
of adaptation based on the cognitive models”
[the new name “The cognitive modeling technology
for the system analysis of the information-educational environments”]

in “The 33
rd Moscow international book exhibition 2020 y.” (“MIBE 2020”)
(The Russian Federation, Moscow city, “CEH "Manezh"”, on the 02
nd-06th of September 2020 y.),
signed by the chief scientific secretary of “RANS”, c.m.s., prof. Stukova N.Yu. –
01 sh., 01 p. (in the format “PDF”) (in the national Russian language),
the name of file
the_diss_The_env_of_aut_tr_with_the_prop_of_ad_bas_on_the_c_m_RUS.pdf” (
download) [RUS]
[the el. copy of the specified document was submitted to “SPbSU” on the 31st of October 2023 y.],
[the el. copy of the specified document was submitted to “DSADC” of “SPbSU” on the 31
st of October 2023 y.].

13.2.6. Copy of the letter of thanks of “RANS” (RF, Moscow city)
for the participation of the dissertation on the rights of manuscript
[on the competition of scientific degree of the doctor of technical sciences]
on the theme “The environment of automated training with the properties
of adaptation based on the cognitive models”
[the new name “The cognitive modeling technology
for the system analysis of the information-educational environments”]

in “The Frankfurt book exhibition 2020 y.” (“Frankfurter buchmesse 2020”)
(The Federative republic of Germany, Frankfurt-on-Maine, on the 14
th-18th of October 2020 y.),
signed by the chief scientific secretary of “RANS”, c.m.s., prof. Stukova N.Yu. –
01 sh., 01 p. (in the format “PDF”) (in the national Russian language),
the name of file
the_diss_The_env_of_aut_tr_with_the_prop_of_ad_bas_on_the_c_m_RUS.pdf” (
download) [RUS]
[the el. copy of the specified document was submitted to “SPbSU” on the 31st of October 2023 y.],
[the el. copy of the specified document was submitted to “DSADC” of “SPbSU” on the 31
st of October 2023 y.].

13.2.7. Copy of the letter of thanks of “RANS” (RF, Moscow city)
for the participation of the dissertation on the rights of manuscript
[on the competition of scientific degree of the doctor of technical sciences]
on the theme “The environment of automated training with the properties
of adaptation based on the cognitive models”
[the new name “The cognitive modeling technology
for the system analysis of the information-educational environments”]

in “The Moscow international salon of education 2021 y.” (“MISE 2021”)
(The Russian Federation, Moscow city, “EANE”, on the 17
th-23rd of May 2021 y.),
signed by the chief scientific secretary of “RANS”, c.m.s., prof. Stukova N.Yu. –
01 sh., 01 p. (in the format “PDF”) (in the national Russian language),
the name of file
the_diss_The_env_of_aut_tr_with_the_prop_of_ad_bas_on_the_c_m_RUS.pdf” (
download) [RUS]”
[the el. copy of the specified document was submitted to “SPbSU” on the 31st of October 2023 y.],
[the el. copy of the specified document was submitted to “DSADC” of “SPbSU” on the 31
st of October 2023 y.].

13.2.8. Copy of the letter of thanks of “RANS” (RF, Moscow city)
for the participation of the dissertation on the rights of manuscript
[on the competition of scientific degree of the doctor of technical sciences]
on the theme “The environment of automated training with the properties
of adaptation based on the cognitive models”
[the new name “The cognitive modeling technology
for the system analysis of the information-educational environments”]

in “The London book exhibition 2021 y.” (“London Book Fair 2021”)
(The United kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, London city, on the 21
st of June – the 01st of July 2021 y.),
signed by the chief scientific secretary of “RANS”, c.m.s., prof. Stukova N.Yu. –
01 sh., 01 p. (in the format “PDF”) (in the national Russian language),
the name of file
the_diss_The_env_of_aut_tr_with_the_prop_of_ad_bas_on_the_c_m_RUS.pdf” (
download) [RUS]
[the el. copy of the specified document was submitted to “SPbSU” on the 31st of October 2023 y.],
[the el. copy of the specified document was submitted to “DSADC” of “SPbSU” on the 31
st of October 2023 y.].

13.3.1. Copy of the information letter of “RANS” (RF, Moscow city)
about the awarding of “The honorary scientific rank "The founder of the scientific direction"
"Cognitive informatics (computer science),
the cognitive modeling technology for the system and financial analysis"”
(see “The registry of the new scientific directions” of “RANS”, see the encyclopedia “Famous scientists” of “RANS”)
according to the decision of “The Presidium of "RANS"” (the protocol №699 from the 08.06.2018 y.),
signed by the scientific secretary of “The Presidium of "RANS"”, c.m.s., prof. Stukova N.Yu. –
01 sh., 01 p. (in the format “PDF”) (in the national Russian language),
the name of file
RANS_N699_from_the_08_06_2018_RUS.pdf” (
download) [RUS]
[the el. copy of the specified document was submitted to “SPbSU” on the 01st of April 2019 y.],
[the el. copy of the specified document was submitted to “DSADC” of “SPbSU” on the 01
st of April 2019 y.].

13.3.2. Copy of the information letter of “RANS” (RF, Moscow city)
with the invitation to speak with the presentation (oral report)
of materials of the new scientific direction “Cognitive informatics (computer science),
the cognitive modeling technology for the system and financial analysis”
at the presentation of the new scientific edition “The registry of the new scientific directions” of “RANS”
(The Russian Federation, Moscow city, “RANS”, on the 20
th-30th of November 2018 y.),
signed by the chief scientific secretary of “RANS”, c.m.s., prof. Stukova N.Yu. –
01 sh., 01 p. (in the format “PDF”) (in the national Russian language),
the name of file
RANS_N699_from_the_08_06_2018_from_the_09_11_2018_RUS.pdf” (
download) [RUS]
[the el. copy of the specified document was submitted to “SPbSU” on the 01st of April 2019 y.],
[the el. copy of the specified document was submitted to “DSADC” of “SPbSU” on the 01
st of April 2019 y.].

14. The certificates of honor and the diplomas in the fact of participation in the regional and international concourses.

14.1. Copy of the diploma to the name of Vetrov A.N. “For the 3rd place in the district concourse”
“The best on the profession” in the specialty “programmer – laboratory-assistant”
of “The interschool training plant №1 of Krasnogvardeisky district” (“ITP №1 of KD”),
signed by the director of “ITP №1 of KD” Zimnitsky V.S. (Saint-Petersburg city, 1997 y.) –
01 sh., 01 p. (in the format “PDF”) (in the national Russian language),
(*) copy of the specified copyright certificate
was registered in the registry book №78/248-n/78-2023-9-284,
certified by the notary of the not. district Saint-Petersburg city Soldatenko L.G. on the 09
th of November 2023 y.
(RF, Saint-Petersburg city) – 01 sh., 02 p. (in the format “PDF”) (in the national Russian language),
the name of file
Saint_Petersburg_RF_on_concourse_AN_Vetrov_1997_orig_RUS.pdf” (
download) [RUS],
(*) the name of file
Saint_Petersburg_RF_on_concourse_AN_Vetrov_1997_Soldatenko_LG_09_11_2023_RUS.pdf” (
download) [RUS]
[the el. copy of the specified document was submitted to “SPbSU” on the 21st of November 2023 y.],
[the el. copy of the specified document was submitted to “DSADC” of “SPbSU” on the 21
st of November 2023 y.].

14.2. Copy of the diploma of the IInd degree “For the high results and active participation
in the scientific-research work”

“awarded to Vetrov A.N., the student of gr. 7323,
for the work on the theme “The development of the acting demonstrative prototype
of the expert training system" by the results of the concourse of "LETI"
on the best diploma work of the students in 2003 y.”
signed by the rector of “SPbSETU "LETI"” Puzankov D.V. (Saint-Petersburg city, 2003 y.) –
01 sh., 01 p. (in the format “PDF”) (in the national Russian language),
(*) copy of the specified copyright certificate
was registered in the registry book №78/248-n/78-2023-9-288,
certified by the notary of the not. district Saint-Petersburg city Soldatenko L.G. on the 09
th of November 2023 y.
(RF, Saint-Petersburg city) – 01 sh., 02 p. (in the format “PDF”) (in the national Russian language),
the name of file
on_concourse_of_diploma_projects_AN_Vetrov_11_02_2003_orig_RUS.pdf” (
download) [RUS],
(*) the name of file
on_concourse_of_diploma_projects_AN_Vetrov_11_02_2003_Soldatenko_LG_09_11_2023_RUS.pdf” (
download) [RUS]
[the el. copy of the specified document was submitted to “SPbSU” on the 21st of November 2023 y.],
[the el. copy of the specified document was submitted to “DSADC” of “SPbSU” on the 21
st of November 2023 y.].

14.3. Copy of the diploma of the winner of the Ist degree №159-21-1091 from the 05.10.2021 y. to the name of Vetrov A.N.
(“The Saint-Petersburg state university”)
th international concourse of scientific works”:
the name of work “The environment of automated training with the properties
of adaptation based on the cognitive models”,
the direction “Technical sciences”, the nomination “The diploma works”,
the scientific supervisor: “, prof. Kvitko A.N.”,
signed by the head of “The scientific public organization “Digital science"”
Emelyanov N.V. (Saint-Petersburg city, 2003 y.) –
01 sh., 01 p. (in the format “PDF”) (in the national Russian language),
(*) copy of the specified copyright certificate
was registered in the registry book №78/248-n/78-2023-9-292,
certified by the notary of the not. district Saint-Petersburg city Soldatenko L.G. on the 09
th of November 2023 y.
(RF, Saint-Petersburg city) – 01 sh., 02 p. (in the format “PDF”) (in the national Russian language),
the name of file
on_the_int_concourse_AN_Vetrov_05_10_2021_orig_RUS.pdf” (
download) [RUS],
(*) the name of file
on_the_int_concourse_AN_Vetrov_05_10_2021_Soldatenko_LG_09_11_2023_RUS.pdf” (
download) [RUS]
[the el. copy of the specified document was submitted to “SPbSU” on the 21st of November 2023 y.],
[the el. copy of the specified document was submitted to “DSADC” of “SPbSU” on the 21
st of November 2023 y.].

15. The details about the author of the dissertation (in the form of manuscript) on the rights of manuscript
on the theme “The cognitive modeling technology
for the system analysis of the information-educational environments”
Технология когнитивного моделирования
для системного анализа информационно-образовательных сред
on the competition of scientific degree of the doctor of technical sciences in the specialty
05.13.01 – “The system analysis, control and information processing”
Системный анализ, управление и обработка информации») (technical sciences (технические науки)).

15.1. The details about the author (Vetrov A.N.) –
01 sh., 01 p. (in the format “PDF”) (in the national Russian language and the international English language),
the name of file
“0_1_Vetrov_AN_The_information_about_author_from_the_16_01_2018_RUS.pdf” (download) [RUS],
the name of file
“0_1_Vetrov_AN_The_information_about_author_from_the_26_11_2018_RUS.pdf” (download) [RUS],
the name of file
“0_1_Vetrov_AN_The_information_about_author_from_the_26_11_2018_ENG.pdf” (download) [ENG],
the name of file
“0_1_Vetrov_AN_The_details_about_author_from_the_17_11_2019_RUS.pdf” (download) [RUS],
the name of file
“0_1_Vetrov_AN_The_details_about_author_from_the_17_11_2019_ENG.pdf” (download) [ENG],
the name of file
Vetrov_AN_The_details_about_author_from_the_27_03_2023_RUS.pdf” (download) [RUS],
the name of file
Vetrov_AN_The_details_about_author_from_the_27_03_2023_ENG.pdf” (download) [ENG]
[the el. copy of the specified document was submitted to “SPbSU” on the 01st of April 2019 y.],
[the el. copy of the specified document was submitted to “DSADC” of “SPbSU” on the 01
st of April 2019 y.].

15.2. The scientific curriculum vitae (Vetrov A.N.) –
06 sh., 06 p. (in the format “PDF”) (in the national Russian language and the international English language),
the name of file
“0_2_Vetrov_AN_The_scientific_curriculum_vitae_from_the_19_12_2017_RUS.pdf” (download) [RUS],
the name of file
“0_2_Vetrov_AN_The_scientific_curriculum_vitae_from_the_22_11_2018_RUS.pdf” (download) [RUS],
the name of file
“0_2_Vetrov_AN_The_scientific_curriculum_vitae_from_the_22_11_2018_ENG.pdf” (download) [ENG],
the name of file
“0_2_Vetrov_AN_The_scientific_curriculum_vitae_from_the_17_11_2019_RUS.pdf” (download) [RUS],
the name of file
“0_2_Vetrov_AN_The_scientific_curriculum_vitae_from_the_17_11_2019_ENG.pdf” (download) [ENG],
the name of file
Vetrov_AN_The_scientific_curriculum_vitae_from_the_27_03_2023_RUS.pdf” (download) [RUS],
the name of file
Vetrov_AN_The_scientific_curriculum_vitae_from_the_27_03_2023_ENG.pdf” (download) [ENG]
[the el. copy of the specified document was submitted to “SPbSU” on the 01st of April 2019 y.],
[the el. copy of the specified document was submitted to “DSADC” of “SPbSU” on the 01
st of April 2019 y.].

15.3. The questionnaire of the applicant (Vetrov A.N.) of scientific degree of the candidate of sciences, of scientific degree of the doctor of sciences
(with taking into account of the letter of “Mineduscience of Russia” from the 02.11.2018 y. №MN-969 / GT
“About the self-dependent awarding of scientific degrees”, it was submitted in the electronic and print formats) –
17 sh., 17 p. (in the format “PDF”) (in the nat. Russian language and the int. English language),
the name of file
“0_3_Vetrov_AN_The_questionnaire_from_the_18_02_2020_RUS.pdf” [without date] (download) [RUS],
the name of file “0_3_Vetrov_AN_The_questionnaire_from_the_18_02_2020_ENG.pdf” [without date] (download) [ENG],
[the original copy of the specified document was submitted on the 18th of February 2020 y.],
[the el. copy of the specified document was submitted to “DSADC” of “SPbSU” on the 18
th of February 2020 y.],
the name of file
“0_3_Vetrov_AN_The_questionnaire_from_the_24_03_2020_RUS.pdf” (download) [RUS],
the name of file
“0_3_Vetrov_AN_The_questionnaire_from_the_24_03_2020_ENG.pdf” (download) [ENG]
[the original copy of the specified document was submitted on the 24th of March 2020 y.],
[the el. copy of the specified document was submitted to “DSADC” of “SPbSU” on the 24
th of March 2020 y.],
the name of file
Vetrov_AN_The_questionnaire_from_the_31_10_2023_RUS.pdf” (download) [RUS],
the name of file
Vetrov_AN_The_questionnaire_from_the_31_10_2023_ENG.pdf” (download) [ENG]
[the original copy of the specified document was submitted on the 31st of October 2023 y.],
[the el. copy of the specified document was submitted to “DSADC” of “SPbSU” on the “   
th” of November 2023 y.].


The notes (see the scientific-educational portal of Vetrov A.N.):

1. The specified “The list of documents for the submission to "DSADC" of "SPbSU" of the applicant of scientific degree,
attached from the “___
st” of ______ 2023 y. to the “___st” of ______ 2024 y.
to the chair "IS" / "MSES" of the faculty "AM – CP" of "SPbSU", "AUT CMT SFA" Vetrov A.N.”
was prepared (formed) according to “The order of awarding in "SPbSU" of the scientific degree of the candidate of sciences,
the scientific degree of the doctor of sciences”, approved by The order from the 01.09.2016 y. №6821/1
“About the order of awarding of the scientific degrees in "SPbSU"” (with changes and additions)
[the package of documents of dissertation on the competition of scientific degree of the candidate of technical sciences],
approved by The order №11181/1 from the 19.11.2021 y.
“About the order of awarding of the scientific degrees in "SPbSU"” (with changes and additions)
[the package of documents of dissertation on the competition of scientific degree of the doctor of technical sciences],
and also “The order of preparation of the conclusion on the dissertation on the competition of scientific degree of the candidate of sciences,
on the competition of scientific degree of the doctor of sciences, carried out in "SPbSU", and issuance it to the applicant”,
approved by The order from the 06.02.2015 y. №527/1
“About the order of preparation of the conclusion on the dissertation, carried out in "SPbSU",
and issuance it to the applicant” (with changes and additions)
[the package of documents of dissertation on the competition of scientific degree of the candidate of technical sciences]
and “The order of preparation of the conclusion on the dissertation, carried out in "SPbSU", and issuance it to the applicant”,
approved by The order №88/1 from the 14.01.2020 y.
“About the approval of "The order of preparation of the conclusion on the dissertation, carried out in "SPbSU",
and issuance it to the applicant” (with changes and additions)
[the package of documents of dissertation on the competition of scientific degree of the doctor of technical sciences],
[see also the documents, registered in the electronic system of document-flow of “SPbSU” on the 07
th of February 2018 y.].

2. The specified materials of dissertation and accompanying documents of the applicant of sci. degree Vetrov A.N.
are intended directly for the transfer to the structural subdivisions of “SPbSU”
(and other scientific, educational and other organizations at the territory of RF and foreign countries),
in particular for the national and foreign members of “The dissertation council” of “SPbSU”.

3. The dissertation (in the form of manuscript) on the rights of manuscript
on the theme  “The cognitive modeling technology
for the system analysis of the information-educational environments”
Технология когнитивного моделирования
для системного анализа информационно-образовательных сред
on the competition of scientific degree of the doctor of technical sciences in the specialty
05.13.01 – “The system analysis, control and information processing”
Системный анализ, управление и обработка информации») (technical sciences (технические науки))
the adaptive systems of automatic control with the determined entrance influences
and the reference cognitive models of the subject of training and the means of training,
the reconstructed models of the cognitive processes
адаптивные системы автоматического управления с детерминированными входными воздействиями
и эталонными когнитивными моделями субъекта обучения и средства обучения,
реконструируемые модели когнитивных процессов)] –
volumes, 910 p.: vol. 1, 240 p., 2006 y., vol. 2, 252 p., 2006 y. and vol. 3, 418 p., 2008 y., 2010 y.
(in the format “PDF”) (in the national Russian language
[the first book (vol. 1 RUS), the second book (vol. 2 RUS) and the third book (vol. 3 RUS)]
and the international English language
[the first book (vol. 1 ENG), the second book (vol. 2 ENG) and the third book (vol. 3 ENG)])
represents inside the ready original-model, prepared by the applicant of sci. degree Vetrov A.N.,
it is intended for the “digital” printing in the publishing-house (printing-house) on the “offset” paper
(the volume “15 p. sh. (vol. 1), 15,75 p. sh. (vol. 2), 26,125 p. sh. (vol. 3)”, the format “
А5 60×84 1/16”,
the type of font “Times New Roman”, the size of font “13” and the circulation “20 copies” (+01 contr. copy)
directly in the each from the specified two languages: Russian and English).


The list of documents of doctoral dissertation of “AUT CMT SFA Vetrov A.N.
for the international action
in “The Saint-Petersburg state university” (RF, Saint-Petersburg city)
(page 2 from 2 pages)

Text Box: RF, Saint-Petersburg city
Text Box: The National research university of RF
Text Box: “The Saint-Petersburg 
state university”
Text Box: The Federal scientific centre of RF

It is carried out according to the information letter from the 21st of October 2023 y. №ACNS-01-21102023
of the applicant of scientific degree (the person using the right of international defence),
“AUT CMT SFA Vetrov A.N. (download).